Yeap back again from a fun filled week... haha blogging in the office... what the? Anyway, as promised, the pictures of my living quarters, pretty decent huh... its a bit messed up now cos its a "guys room" but who cares man... and also my room and my queen sized bed...~comfy.
Getting ready for our first day or work... zhaiz... let me introduce you to them (from right to left):
1) 天才,no need to elaborate more haha...
2) Jinyue, "不要乱花钱" aka financial accountant (everyday must close accounts then can slp, haha)
3) Limin, "没有名字啊,我 seh 你啊!" aka Ah Lian
4) Chie Yen "need help? 500 yuan" aka Miss Evil
5) Eileen, "姜小姐,姜葱的姜" aka president
6) Chin Chun, aka 老大
This picture shows us before going into the production area... our assigned lab coat... cool huh... but boring work la... everyday tour factory only then read SOP... haiz and the best thing was they thought we are engineers from Hong Kong, duh! We are business students from Singapore leh!!! whatever it is... make the most of it la... but at least they treat us pretty decently.