Took an afternoon till night flight, could no slp on that plane, so watch sunset!!!! very pretty...
Perth is like really really cold la... its like 4 degrees or something on the coldest night. Thats pretty cold ok. Got me shivering to the bone. I remember on the coldest night, i pee then got smoke... wooo~
And there was this lemon tree below gin's room... i was like so amazed and thrilled cos i never seen a lemon tree before...
Lemon tree, taken from gin's window...
Ok... for like the first few days, i was like keeping gin company studying in school cos her exams are still going on, and she studies in school, more efficient. Other than that she still has to do testing, and they do testing on humans.. haha, dunno test for wat la... human guinea pigs..

This is the human movement testing lab...

Look what they do, weird tanks and computers linked to the treadmill with wires...

Gin fixing the wires..

Look!! They can power a computer with that cycle (like hamsters)!!! Amazing~
So what do i do in the mean time? origami la... and i did quite a lot there, littered gin's table with it and wow-ed her classmates.
Thats me doing origami on Gin's table...

Thats something new I did!!! Origami eastern dragon!!
Lets do some introduction of her classmates... alot of wonderful people.
This is Danny. My origami disciple as you can see, happily folding. He is a gym instructor and a Human Movement (HM) student.
This is Weiliang, soccer coach (the dodgy and no certificate kind) and HM student. Also my euro-buddy in Australia.
This is Esther, according to legends, she is a burper. But she cooks damn well... HM student as well...
This is Aaron. HM's 副班长. People call him Fishball Yeo cos his face is round.
This girl beside Danny is Miriam, also from HM. She was the one who sent me to and from airport. She is a professional church choir singer. Don't see her so smiley, she is the holder of the Singapore A and B Division record for 100m and 400m hurdles. One of them is broken by a Singapore sport's school student, I forgot which one, the other record is still standing. Fierce~!! (somehow she reminds me of 何润东, I think they look alike)
This is Taku, a Japanese doing his HM PhD. He is like one of the top swimmer during his time (I think in butterfly or freestyle), and is ever ranked 4th in his country. He also had a world ranking... dun play play... (the food he cooks are delicious)
To be continued...