First eat a rocher... spread out the paper and fold two adjacent sides towards the middle. Estimate the fold to be about the height of your rose bud. By folding in the two sides, this is to make the middle of your rose golden, if not it will be an ugly silver...

Next roll the foil taking constant note of the centre of the rose, it should not be too cramped or too wide, no hard or fast rules, as long as it looks right, its ok.

Then pinch the downside of the foil to form the stalk. Pinch, dun twist, you would probably twist the foil till it snaps. Twist it after pinching as the foil will be slightly stiffer after pinching.

Shape as desired make the stalk thinner, open up the inside with a needle or mechanical pencil. Curl the opening side slightly and attach the ferroro rocher sticker for the leaf. Done. Put it in a small bottle or test-tube with some sand...

Hey cheapskates... v-day so cheapo... !!! buy flowers from me la... hahaha
Disclaimer: This is something I thought out and not the original rocher rose. For the original one, visit