JC art mates used to address me "姐妹" (esp that Kellynn), friends have said that I have the patience and hands of a girl, doing meticulous craftworks. Ginger said I would be better off a girl, others have said pink are for girls. Relatives also say why I so girl go and do origami (origami for girls meh? Top origami masters including the father of origami all guys leh). Girlfriend also say why I do housework at home one? I love window shopping (but tats why gf likes to go out with me, hehe), but no other guys do window shopping meh?
Browsing through my childhood photos with my gf, it dawned on me why all this happened...
I really think its my parents... esp my mum... I think its common for people last time to hope tat their first child is a boy, to carry on the bloodline or wateva, then probably mummy hoped the next in line is a girl. But alas, I'm born with gold between the legs so she was probably very sad. So much so that she brought me up treating me as a girl. My evil mum!!!
Not only did she gave me a girl's name, teach and train me with housework, I used to do simple needlework... worst of all she dressed me up like a girl... grrrr... *angry* ... but its ok since I think she really wanted a girl and my sister did not turn out quite the way she expected her to be *lolz*
Then schooling life, my surrounding or environment is 阴胜阳衰, JC art class all girls (except me of course), 7 flowers of the school in my civics class, NBS also the ratio very weak in yang energy, project work always do with overpowering yin energy... kaoz...
But ok la... I think I'm still quite visibly a MAN (at least 101%), but come to think of it, I look quite cute in a dress... haha (thing of the past, not anymore)... Pinky WAS a pretty boy~