Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
A "Back to the Future" Holiday
Elwyn tried to show me how he intends to train his dog how to walk, i found it so hilarious i got him to do it again on camera, but got stopped by his aunt, haiz... wasted... the initial demonstration got me rolling on the floor.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
it's guestblogger gingin today
pretty rite... i like this pic... quite majestic in a sense... heh..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas mood...

Restless, papers are lying around, so got back to folding again... but dunno wat to fold, decided to fold turtles, after seeing the turtles Eileen folded for me, the mutated turtles that went bonkers from the radioactive ooze... haha did not turn into ninja turtles, only got deformed... LOL...
Also folded a rat, but this time challenged to fold it as small as possible, so I have decided, the rat is my favourite model... cute, comical, slightly challenging and technical folds, shaping and molding... this is my smallest yet, slightly shorter than my eraser, small enough to carry a Rocher rose... hehe
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Moo... Moo... Moose...
Friday, December 7, 2007
1) someone you love, but does not love you as much, have a high chance of two timing...
2) someone you love less, but is absolutely in love with you...
What's your choice?
When a guy asks a girl out together with his friends, is the guy interested in the girl? What are the chances?
Conversely if a girl asks a guy out with her friends, is the girl interested in the guy?
There is such a large difference in perception... guys have a very bad name... haha... thats why I feels its easier being a girl... no wonder they call guys 男人 (难人)...
After that dunno what to do so, play piano, went online and chat then make flowers... whole day, while watching Narnia again... got some new stunts, some new creations...
Super small roses...
Rat moving rose... for who? Heh...
My workstation
Passing time...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Get enchanted...
But these few days go out leg still aching like hell... whole body also aching but recovering well la... spent the nite drawing and folding as per usual... still cannot find my past 功力 but still err... can la.. haha
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Standard Chartered Marathon
The run was ok for the first 21 km but when everything starts coming in.. cramps stitches... woohoo in for a time of your life, its worst than anything i've ever done. But its already past the mid point and everything is in good time its probably very stupid to give up... haha, maybe cos i have not conditioned my body enough...
But finishing the race is quite an achievement by itself... FOR PRIDE AND HONOUR!!!!
Ok... Lateral thinking question again.
There are 10 bottle of similar looking pills, each contains vitamins except for one that contain poison. Each vitamin pill weighs 1g while the poisonous pill weighs 0.1g more. Assuming you do not know how many pills each individual bottle holds and u cannot tell the difference in weight between all the bottles. There is an electronic scale which you can only use once, it will only give you one reading. How can you tell which bottle contains poisonous pills with only one use of the weighing scale?
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Red Devil and something to think about
Anyway here is one problem for those with nothing to do to think...
A tank is 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, completely filled with water. There is another perfect cube, 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. How can one fill exactly half the cube with no other equipments whatsoever... Think out of the box... haha
Friday, November 30, 2007
Pretty boy~
JC art mates used to address me "姐妹" (esp that Kellynn), friends have said that I have the patience and hands of a girl, doing meticulous craftworks. Ginger said I would be better off a girl, others have said pink are for girls. Relatives also say why I so girl go and do origami (origami for girls meh? Top origami masters including the father of origami all guys leh). Girlfriend also say why I do housework at home one? I love window shopping (but tats why gf likes to go out with me, hehe), but no other guys do window shopping meh?
Browsing through my childhood photos with my gf, it dawned on me why all this happened...
I really think its my parents... esp my mum... I think its common for people last time to hope tat their first child is a boy, to carry on the bloodline or wateva, then probably mummy hoped the next in line is a girl. But alas, I'm born with gold between the legs so she was probably very sad. So much so that she brought me up treating me as a girl. My evil mum!!!
Not only did she gave me a girl's name, teach and train me with housework, I used to do simple needlework... worst of all she dressed me up like a girl... grrrr... *angry* ... but its ok since I think she really wanted a girl and my sister did not turn out quite the way she expected her to be *lolz*
Then schooling life, my surrounding or environment is 阴胜阳衰, JC art class all girls (except me of course), 7 flowers of the school in my civics class, NBS also the ratio very weak in yang energy, project work always do with overpowering yin energy... kaoz...
But ok la... I think I'm still quite visibly a MAN (at least 101%), but come to think of it, I look quite cute in a dress... haha (thing of the past, not anymore)... Pinky WAS a pretty boy~
Thursday, November 29, 2007
跟太聪明的人交往应该会把自己的脑细胞“整”死吧,一会儿要猜想她在想什么,另一会儿要想法子抖她开心,交谈的话题不能太庸俗,得带一些内涵。反过来如果自己的心思全被她识破,她就会说你没创意。如果性格刚烈,老对你发脾气,把你的尊严吃了,那就看开一点儿吧,找一个灵位敬贡你的尊严,lolz 。
傻大姐呢?太傻的话,可能达不到自己的要求,猜不到自己的心思,更难讨自己欢欣。男人真是麻烦。聪明又不能太聪明,傻又不能太傻。还是做女人好一点,hahaha 。
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Also by popular demands... actually not very popular... only 2... jazzy and piggy... ask me why no have full house song... so here it is... K-pop... full house... enjoy
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I love my mum... *hugs*
Mum: Son how's exams? Miss you alot leh
Pinky: Ok lor... wun fail... why miss me?
Mum: Miss you play piano, then no one help me do housework lor, see leg pain pain, house so dirty, later vacuum then mops clean clean ok?
Pinky: Wah thanx ah mum... feel the love... (No wonder my gf says I'm Cinderella) Eh my hand is artist hand leh... not do housework one ok...
Mum: Housework also one form of art, not everyone can do, ur siblings cannot do properly le...
Pinky: *flipz*
I think my mum is falling in love with me... haha... but ok la... i luv her back...
One can nv imagine what it is like when your mum "dehz" at you...
(While folding orgami roses...)
Mum: Eh son, so nice leh... Why u nv make roses for me ah?
Pinky: errr... cos you not my gf? make for you for what?
Mum: Make for me la... i like very much leh, make nice nice, put in vase gimme la... dun like tat la...
Pinky: *feels a little guilty* ok la.. i make for you...
Mum: WAH!!!! SOOOO NICE!!! lets go to your aunt's place, i wanna show off... Daddy nv so romantic before...
Pinky: wat the... (-_-")
Daddy: *glares*
Pinky: Eh mum you not my type... Too fat too old...
Mum: Si Gin Na!!! (死孩子 or dead child in hokkien)
Pinky: *bleahz*
Oh... My Donuts...
Reached home... decided not to snack... running marathon in a few weeks time... no no no... must resist temptation, strictly no supper... went to bed... i can always have them for breakfast, better keep them properly, left them in the oven, closed them, hope no one gets to them haha...
Early morning, walked to the kitchen past my brother, he was munching away at my FAVOURITE DOUBLE CHOC!!!!! ARGH!!!! Rushed to kitchen, sister munching at Strawberry... opened the box, left 3!!!! one kaya, one peanut and one hazelnut. Kaya and peanut is buy for my mum and daddy one... :( Grrrr... angry... *stares at sis*
"Eh relax... i only ate 2, yummy, kor kor ate the rest... damn nice leh... thanx ah" *walks off*
Mum and dad appears after tat, "hey son, waiting for you for breakfast..." so in the end each had one... makan only 1 after i bought 12!!! boohoohoo!!! super sad... *sobs*
Sis ate 2, mum, dad and me each had 1, gf's mum had 1, tat means my brother ate 6!!!! half a box... ARGH!!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
End of Exams
Nothing to do le... now is to chiong for FYP and play play play... anyway my roses quite pretty... got orders for them... ask me to do bouquet one leh... glow in the dark... but hor... i think this is like the last few times i doing... if everyone has then abit not so special le. What good is it if they dun do it themselves? macam i do for their gf... i think i help the last few poor souls then i dun do le... tedious stuff ok... folding paper... especially folding 12 of the same kind... haha
Christmas round the corner... its the season to spend money, lalalalala... haha must start planning... so many things to do... training in the mean time for standard chartered full marathon... first full marathon... hope dun die... jiayou jiayou... so long no train and sports.. last time still got play volleyball train abit... now really 堕落... getting small and fat... must regain fitness... grr...
Finally once more... YAY... no more EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tribute to Jay...
Anyway, thank goodness have my piano in hall with me... at least got things to do, and jay released his new album at the right time, got things for me to play, wonderful album, one of his best so far i reckon...
Piano battle extended version...
My favourite song in his new album...
Also one of my favourites...
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Bunny Returns...
Got a request yesterday to make glow in the dark flowers, had that idea for a couple of months le, but never really worked on them, so make use of this chance, do it, as GMS and 311 says, Joint venture reduces the risk and allows the risk to be underwritten by more than one party, so can eliminate production trial cost on my side... the order was for a dozen roses, so i linked them up using a $2 device from Daiso (oh while i was there i also bought a mini christmas tree to decorate my room, 增加气氛).
I really respect ah tiongs lor, dunno why attach bulb and everything, check that circuit is closed le bulb still refuse to light up, one hell of a time man, wished i paid more attention during physics lesson. *disclaimer: not i stupid ok, i know how circuits work, but it really refuse to light up*
Took me ages to get it light up but all was worth it... simply gorgeous, awed me to my knees.
Moral of the story: make friends with ah tiongs, they will settle this is 2 mins.
While at it made an extra one for my "Hunnybunny"... hope she likes...
Linking them all together
Putting them in a bouquet...
For that bunny...
With some light...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Its Brain's Birthday...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Exam blues...
Pinky and the Brain *不爽* ... see Picasso's Guernica at the backdrop
"A+" Wonder group at our battle command post
Friday, November 2, 2007
Right here waiting...
Anyways, nothing to do... pulled out an old classic to upload. Dedicated to Miss Bunny whose coming back from Australia on the 17th this month... just to tell you I'm "Right here waiting..."
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Foreign Bullies
After watching this video super pek chek.... super fire... wah... wanna scold vulgar language... cannot take it... got mama give birth no papa teach... its bad enough to make fun of the uncle, got cheek to film it... what the... somemore don't wanna pay...
I hope you all get run over by taxis, go hospital ambulance break down, reach hospital hospital black out, surgery doctor leave tissue paper and knife inside ur body, discharge already immediately get struck by lightning, chao tar already bird go and eat u up, bones get chewed by dogs, intestines let hawkers make kway chap!!!! If got children i hope they all grow up into steven lim!!! GRRRR....!!!!
Super angry... poor uncle... next time see them remember call police ah... but never mind... i remember you, next time i see you i let u ferry me around... haha don' worry, i will pay one... cos i singaporean...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Piano Battle
Playing first excerpt of piano battle... Raised the camera so that can see finger movement more clearly...
Not uploading to youtube... cos can see my face... and I shy... hahaa
Roses again
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Along came a young little girl, started playing in front of me... I sensed a challenge... hmmm...
She started playing Canon in D so in reply I played Fur Elise, then she played Ballade pour Adeline, then I challenged her with Mariage D'amour, then she switched to pop song, playing 不能说的秘密, I answered again with 曹操, but before I let her start, I decided to strike first in the next blow, then I played the short excerpt from 不能说的秘密, the movie, the first song in their piano battle...
Then she left... haha... I win!!!!
Childish? But fun leh...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Present 2

ok, which one of u is a turtle?
Ok, last but not least Ginger and woodlands gang for the contribution "casio privia keyboard fund." Will go and get it probably wednesday or thursday... so that I can stay in hall thru the exam period...
Finally, Happy Bdae to me...